Fitnah dan Tohmah Ezam & Khir Toyo

Pidato Pentas Pemuda AMK di Dewan MBSA Seksyen 19, 13 Julai, pada jam 8.30 malam.

Pemidato adalah:

Ketua AMK Malaysia, Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin;
Naib Ketua AMK Malaysia merangkap ADUN Batu Caves, YB Amirudin Shari;
Naib Ketua AMK Malaysia, Khairul Annuar Ahmad Zainudin;
Ahli MPT KeADILan merangkap MP Kapar, YB Manickavasagam.

Sila datang beramai ramai untuk sesi menjawab FITNAH dan TOHMAH Ezam dan Khir Toyo.

Pengarang: Shamsul Iskandar

YB Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar @ Yusre bin Mohd. Akin Ahli Parlimen Hang Tuah Jaya (Dikenali Parlimen Bukit Katil sebelum ini) (2013-kini) Mantan Timbalan Menteri Industri Utama (2018-2020) Ketua Penerangan KEADILAN Malaysia (2018-kini) Mantan Naib Presiden KEADILAN (2014-2018) Mantan Ketua Angkatan Muda KEADILAN (2007-2014)

30 thoughts on “Fitnah dan Tohmah Ezam & Khir Toyo”

  1. Saudara AMK PKR semua
    Kita tahu rahsia dan temberang Ezam…dia memang kaki pengugut…bacul..

    Sama-sama kita bongkar rahsia EZAM ayam sembilan UMNO…..

    Kami melayu sudah lupa apa itu UMNO….United Mamak & N…… Organisation!!!!!!!!

  2. Just observe how Malaysians simply laugh at the stupidity and low esteem of Ezam. I have never seen a more useless being on earth than this one. He thinks he is great while he is absolutely nothing. He was recruited to insult Anwar and his former comrades and besically that’s how prostitutes work. Dirty!

    Just go over the comments in Malaysia-today and see how people are aghast at this sore loser.

  3. I picked a comment from blogger Katataknak and paraphrased it. This is how it goes.

    [b]Ezam, who are you apart from being a cheap shotgun hired by everyone? You are a jobless 2nd Honours Economics graudate in his fifties (41). What have you got to tell us apart from base emotions and wild ranting? What is that you preach that we need to listen from you? What kind of knowledge, experience and leadership do you have to impart to others? Even you have never been an ADUN. You once tried to contest for a seat and you were rejected by the voters, no wonder they saw you as a useless emotional sore loser. Are you an intellectual who has authored ground breaking books to tell us about your books? Are you a leader elected now or in the past by Malaysians to tell us of your experience? Are you a religious leader to give us Fatwas? Are you an inventor to share with us what you have invented? Are you a political leader to share with us the platforms of the party you lead or act as its adviser? Are you a social activist who aids the less fortunate in the society who therefore wants us to help him in his endeavours? Are you an example to anyone apart from your children? Who are you? And why should Malaysians waste time with him? Are you the guardian of the Malays when you challenge others to debate about their future? Did they elect you to represent them? Did they ever elect you to speak on their behalf? Must you pretend that you are speaking for Malays as if you fathered the Malays? Boy, don’t over reach yourself and remember that your ill conduct bodes not well for you and not for others. You are so full of yourself while you are nothing. I don’t know how you were raised. Sore loser! Go and hang yourself if you are not happy. [/b]

  4. I think you need to challenge him to a debate. He is a petty boy who doesn’t know how he is conducting himself and his life. And that’s the trouble when people are looking for easy route and benefits. Though in his stupidity he says he joined AMNO for reforms (ha ha ha), he doesn’t know what people think of him including AMNO members. Some of my family members who are in AMNO simply laugh off at him and they say: “Ezam talks as if he represents AMNO. Ezam talks as if he very smart intellectual who wants to save others as if he is an appointed Saviour. Ezam talks as if he is an elected person who has a mandate of Malaysians. Ezam talks as if he loves AMNO more than us who were born into it and stayed with it despite all challenges.” These are some of the questions they raise as they laught at this strange sore loser who wants to equate himself with Anwar while he has never been an ADUN. Huh! God the Almighty.

  5. orang cina dan india dan orang melayu
    akan bersatu bergabung tenaga
    meruntuhkan kerajaan BN,

    hidup pakatan rakyat 3x
    hidup DSAI 3x

    tahniah juga kepada Kak Wan
    di kurniakan gelaran Datuk Seri Utama.

    May Allah Bless You and your Family.

  6. asslmkm…apakah nilainya pada pendapat dan pandangan ezam jika hari ini dia berdiri dan komen di atas satu platformyg suatu ketika dahulu dia kutuk dan lawan sendiri…ini bukan persoalan beliau skg ni benar atau tidak…namun persoalannya sekarang berkisar tentang harga dirinya….itu yang penting….kita manusia hidup harus berprinsip..andaikata beliau tidak mahu lagi berada dalam pkr tak semestinya beliau kembali ke tempat yang telah beliau buang sampah satu ketika dahulu….biarpun sebenar benarnya kata kata ezam skarang tidak lagi punyai apajua manfaat,nilai dan harga diri lagi….umno penuh denagn duniawi…tiada maknawi….apa yang kamu nak perjuangkan wahai ezam???

  7. Please mate.. advice DSAI.. he don’t need to hide anything now.. even if he has some “skeleton” from his previous years with UMNO, it doesn’t matters now. Challenge the ezam DOG.. what he can prove..

    Let the Rakyat decide.. even if it is bad.. i still believe the raykat is with DSAI. He is the only hope for malaysians now. He should not have any “excess baggage” or dark secrets that could be used against him in his tenure as our new PM.

    Someone over there, please sue the Ezam Bast#ard.. he sound so pious.. so irritating. Give good Muslim bad name..

    Ezamm.. If you see this.. GO Fu*k Your Self.. mate.. you are Disgusting…

    sorry for that.. Just can’t stand this kind of species. Congrats to DSU Kak Wan.. at least something to cheer..

  8. Kepada suadara Ezam jangan lah nak belagah sebagai ayam jantan, jangan kerana wang dan pangkat, mata jadi kabus, Saya sangat menghormati semasa awak ingin memperjuangan kan reformasi dahalu, sekarang ,yang awak ludah dahulu, awak menjilat balik, ini menujuk berapa rendah moral saorang seperti awak. Jagang lupa Anwar adalah kawan seperjuangan awak. Pilihlah jalan yang benar, jalan yang akan nengahkan kebenaran, bairlah miskin tetapi di hormati. Dahulu saya sangat menghormati awak sebagai seorang wira, yang akan membangkitkan suara rakyat, tetapi sekarang awak telah menjadi musah rakyat. jangan lupa matahari akan terbit dan akan tengelam.
    Rakyat akan tunggu bila masa nya awak akan tengalam dengant dosa awak itu kerana bepaling tadah. Tunggulah balasan Allah, Orang seperti awak sudah tidak mempunyi maruah lagi kerana mabokkan pangkat the wang ringgit. semoga Allah menujok awak ke-jalan yang benar. Wasalam

  9. Ezam, apasal engkau gelabah nie…Anwar tak pernah pun cakap pasal engkau dalam ceramah beliau. Engkau nak cari publisiti murahan dalam media perdana nie…cakap ajelah. Nobody knows you till Anwar’s case came along. You were nobdoy Ezam!!. Anwarlah punca orang ramai kenal engkau. Bukan umno yg buat engkau terpenjara, bukan kes fidah aziz buat engkau kena dua tahun sebab OSA. So, kenapa nak tidor satu tilam dengan lanun-lanun dalam umno?. Atau memang sampai mati pun darah engkau biru walaupun masa dalam KeADILan dulu. Rahsia engkau nak masuk umno pada tahun 2004 mempejelaskan ini semua.

  10. Ezam dulu ku sanjung diri mu kerana keberanian diri mu. tp kini baru kusedar satu senjata/kelemahan kamu paling utama bersumpah dan membongkar. peliknya manusia sanggup bersumpah sana sini. yang si kj (keling jambul ) sibuk suruh anwar bersumpah. mcm ada persamaan je. jgn sampai org panggil ko ezam sesumpah adik beradik kj sampah. 6 kotak rahsia pun tak terbongkar nak bongkar rahsia anwar konon. lg tak bermaruah boleh berkongsi pentas dgn khir toyol orang yang ko gelar toyol dulu.

  11. Ezam kalau benar pun apa yg awak cakap,awak lah maknusia paling tak guna,suka menegakan yg mungkar.Dulu awak maki hamun Umno dedahkan keburukan Umno,kerana sokong Anwar.Sekarang awak kata Anwar tak guna dan awak sokong Umno.Sedangkan kami pula sudah lihat Umno memang tak guna,najib tak guna,pak Lah pun lemah,kerajan di bawah umno telah menjahanam kan kehidupan dan wang rakrat,awak pula maki hamun pkr dan Anwar.Rasanya yg bersarang di hati awak ialah dendam kesumat,hasat dan dengki serta keinginan memuaskan ego diri saja ,bukan sekali-kali untuk ugama ,bangsa dan negara.

    Aku tak perduli bagaimana Anwar masa lalu,sedangkan saidina Umnar pun bukan lah org baik sebelum Islamnya,tapi segalanya boleh berubah menjadi baik asalkan kita menyesali masa lalu,dan lalu membuat kebaikan.

    Kau kena sedar bahawa kerana gerak kerja Anwarlah sekarang Pak Lah mula berubah utk cuba menunaikan janji nya.Kesediaan Pak Lah menunaikan janji p.raya nya bukan kerana awak, tapi kerana Anwar.Walau bagaimana pun sayang nya perubahan pertama yg Pak Lah buat ialah membebankan rakyat dgn kenaikan harga minyak.Mengapa kau tak kutuk Pak Lah kalau kau membela rakyat?.Ha,ha,ha jangan berlagak Ezam,rakyat sekarang jauh lebih bijak dari dulu.

    Sumpah,cabar,ugut memang kerja kau Ezam,jadi fikirlah baik-baik jangan sumpah makan diri.Nama Nor Yaakub pun kau tak berani sebut apasal?.Maknanya kau bukan pejuang sebenar,dgn bukti beratus muka pun kau mendiamkan diri,mengapa?…..kami faham tak usah cerita.

    Mengapa kau takut org hubungkan kau dgn konspirasi?.Bukan ke konspirasi tu bagus kalau utk jatuh kan Anwar,jadi kau layak di panggil hiro nanti,kerana telah berjaya menjatuhkan Anwar yg kau katakan mempunyai rekord hitam.Pelik bin ajaib tingkah laku dan tutur kata kau Ezam.

    Ezam ,sebelum kau bunyi mulut pun org dah kutuk kau,apa tah lagi kalau kau dah bunyi nanti.Aku nak beri tau kau juga,kalau kau dedahkan sesuatu penyelewengan Anwar masa lalu di mana kau tahu mengenainya,akau akan buat lapuran polis juga kerana kau bersubahat dgn beliau dan kau menghalang keadilan.

  12. Hear this little Jin la!
    What is your take Abu Lahab Mini “Ezam”: Suspect “credible”, Najib is a worthier man/PM rather than our Brother Anwar and his family? Malaysians hope you dare – foolish Boy.
    Let the little BOY run his mouth; this is a guy who for many years tried to impressed us that he has of good Islamic background principle and ethical. Here he is now, in the kennel (dog house) bitten and infected by the fleas. Boxer, not a Doberman to tall, or pygmy terrier.
    Remember Allah’s warning Fool: cover your brother faults- least you are discovered.

    What make you think we will believe you DOG? Building a mansion in Shah Alam after 98 when all your colleagues even Kak Wan were under heavy indebtedness and all their businesses were folded up due to pressure from Mahathir and his goons. I witnesses Roslan Kassim Raja Ahmad and others like him except for you Ezam reduced to a near bankrupt .
    What and who kept you with your luxury lofty and expensive taste.
    Now you can’t take constructive critique. You are worst than a jealous woman so you threaten to humiliate and disgrace another man’s family. Chisssssssh! Spit in your face – Mini Abu Lahab.

  13. Hear this little Jin la! What is your take Mini Abu Lahab Ezam: Suspect “credible”, Najib is a worthier man/PM rather than our Brother Anwar and his family? Malaysians hope – dare you, foolish Boy.
    Let the little BOY run his mouth; this is a guy who for many years tried to impressed us that he has of good Islamic background principle and ethical. Here he is now, in the kennel (dog house) bitten and infected by the fleas. UMNO put a leash of Khairy and let go a Boxer? not a Doberman to tall, or its pygmy terrier.
    Remember Allah’s warning Fool: cover your brother faults- least you are discovered.

    What make you think we will believe you DOG? Building a mansion in Shah Alam after 98 when all your colleagues even Kak Wan were under heavy indebtedness and all their businesses were folded up due to pressure from Mahathir and his goons. I witnesses Roslan Kassim Raja Ahmad and others like him except for you Ezam reduced to a near bankrupt .
    What and who kept you with your luxury lofty and expensive taste.
    Now you can’t take constructive critique. You are worst than a jealous woman so you threaten to humiliate and disgrace another man’s family. Chisssssssh! Spit in your face – Mini Abu Lahab.


  15. the rakyat is 100% behind PR.
    but no need to holler “hidup DSAI” or “hidup this or hidup that”. those are, to me, empty hollering. PR just fight them head-on!

    ezam and gang can come up with any f-king thing. i don’t f-king care, the evil deeds of corrupt-bn simply overwhelms any other alleged evil deeds by any other parties.

    i say let ezam be a bn dog and give it its day. bring it on. whatever he can “prove” with his “evidence” i don’ f-king care. u can prove dsai’s “personal misdeeds” or any other “conspiracies”. the bigger picture is that we want BN MAMPUS. we want UMNO & its lapdogs out of the picture. i am willing to try anyone else but NOT BN.

  16. just one more time before i move on,

    F U, BN dogs. just go away.

    at least, 100% of the uducated malaysian want BN OUT!

    if ACA is really effective and impartial, 98% of you BN TOP DOGS should be in jail.

  17. ezam ko ni mmg da mlampau..ko ni yg bacul..ko jilt la bontot pak lah dgn najib tu..aku rasa ko marah sgt dan anwar sbb ko tak dpt jd MP..hahaha..kalau ko tau anwar ada salah,kenapa dulu ko bela dia..bodoh la ko ni ezam

  18. Wah wah Wah ezam pi mampuslah kau! Mamak ezam ni memang jenis suka bersumpah sumpah tapi TIN KOSONG sebenarnya,datang kelantan ceramah tapi 70 orang je datang kah kah jenis muka tak malu.Mamak ezam ni sebanarnya nak cari publisiti murahan tapi rata rata pemimpin PAKATAN tak layan pun dia , thats why dia sehari dua ni bertempik sana sini cari publisiti murahan.Mamak ezam ni sekarang tak ubah sepperti anjing kurap tepi jalan ,kita semua pakatan rakyat doakan engkau mamat ezam nanti ditanam satu lubang kubur dengAN MAT KHIR TOYOL and si BADWI LAKNAT !!!

  19. I met this guy Ezzam once; I never thought he could be so nasty. And whatever ‘secrets’ he is using against Anwar as a political weapon, just shows how immatured this guy is besides being such a mean person; no wonder Umno wants him back! And what is this nonsense about “Malay/Muslim Unity”? Malays are a diverse lot; for example, I for one would not have anything in common with someone as nasty as you Ezzam or the Umno fascists, murderers and thieves, nor the nasty Taleban-style Mullahs who want to force the veil or some other fanatical Islamic nonsense down women and girls’ throats! IT’S TIME IN THE ERA OF FALLING IN LINE HARMONIOUSLY WITH PROGRESSIVE MODERNITY VALUES, THAT OUR LOYALTY LIES NOT WITH POLITICALLY-CHARGED ‘RACE’ OR RELIGION, BUT WITH JUSTICE AND UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS VALUES! ONE LAST WORD EZZAM, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO PREVENT ANWAR FROM BECOMING OUR FUTURE PM; BECAUSE MANY RAKYATS INCLUDING THE MALAYS, EVEN FROM THE KAMPUNGS WHO JUST LOVE AND RESPECT HIM!

    Noor Aza Othman,

  20. Ezam??!!..siapa tak kenal Ezam sekarang, pengkhinat kepada perjuangan sendiri. Apa dia buat dalam UMNO..mana GERAKnya. kenapa tak buka penyelewengan bos barunya tu..Takut?Pilih kasih? Itulah tandanya perjuangan tak ikhlas..Biarlah dia terjun dengan labu-labunya..Siapa peduli!!! Perjuangan tetap diteruskan. Gelombang rakyat tidak dapat disekat lagi. 10 tahun lalu kami kagumi perjuanganmu…rupa-rupanya jiwamu tidak sekental mana. Akhirnya ko lemas dalam genggaman UMNO..Parti yang tidak relevan lagi yang hanya bila-bila masa menuju kehancuran. Kesihan ko Ezam..memang telah ditakdirkan ko bersemadi bersama mereka!!!!!

  21. Aku tengok si ezam ni macam orang gile talak je…he..he..he. Bior le die melalak. Dah letih nanti diamlah die. Budak berhingus.
    PR & DSIA lets focus on the real agenda…tumbangkan BN & improve the government for the sake of rakyat like us.

  22. we love Anwar we want him to upbring the country without racial discrimination
    we dont trust any ezam idiots

  23. Ezam,

    Hentikanlah sandiwara ko tu….cukuplah dengan lakonan ko yg tak seberapa tu….Ko ni tak ubah macam perangai budak2….tak abis2 dgn ugutan ko nak dedahkan itu ini…dulu kata ada berkotak2 maklumat korupsi pemimpin…mana dia?bila ko dah jadi ketua Gerak kenapa ko tak minta BPR siasat??Pi bagilah kotak2 tu ke BPR! Simpan nak buat apa….aku rasa ko ni layak pegang watak Sivaji the Boss la…cakap tarak serupa bikin…banyak pusing….
    Sekarang ni ko gertak DSAI pulak??hai,kalo betul DSAI tak betul apapasal ko dulu terhegeh2 sokong dia?bila dah tak dapat jawatan merajuk pastu jilat balik ludah kahak dulu….piraahhhhh…

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